Conhecimento do refrigerador de água

Esta categoria irá informá-lo sobre o que podemos fazer e como fazê-lo usando nosso refrigerador de água para mudar sua vida! Vamos compartilhar as informações tecnológicas mais recentes.

Water Chillers for Thermal Spray Cooling: An Essential Component in Advanced Coating Technologies

No domínio da produção industrial, particularmente em sectores que requerem a aplicação de revestimentos protectores, a implementação de tecnologias de pulverização térmica emergiu como uma inovação fundamental. A eficácia e eficiência destes processos são significativamente melhoradas através da utilização de refrigeradores de água, que desempenham um papel fundamental no arrefecimento por aspersão térmica. Este ensaio tem como objetivo explorar a mecânica por trás dos processos de aspersão térmica, a importância dos resfriadores de água nessas aplicações e as implicações das soluções avançadas de resfriamento na qualidade e longevidade dos revestimentos superficiais.

Os fundamentos da tecnologia de pulverização térmica

A tecnologia de pulverização térmica abrange uma variedade de técnicas que envolvem a deposição de materiais sobre um substrato para criar um revestimento. Este método é normalmente empregado para aumentar a resistência ao desgaste, as propriedades de barreira térmica e a resistência à corrosão de componentes em uma ampla gama de indústrias, incluindo aeroespacial, automotiva e de manufatura. O processo envolve derreter ou amolecer um material – geralmente na forma de pós ou fios – que é então impulsionado sobre um substrato. O resfriamento da superfície encerada pós-deposição afeta de forma crucial as características do revestimento final, influenciando sua microestrutura e atributos de desempenho.
A qualidade do revestimento por aspersão térmica depende de vários fatores, incluindo a temperatura do substrato, a velocidade das partículas e, mais importante, a taxa de resfriamento pós-aplicação. O resfriamento rápido pode levar a uma microestrutura refinada, minimizando defeitos como porosidade e melhorando a adesão ao substrato. Portanto, soluções de resfriamento eficazes são altamente cobiçadas neste campo.

O papel dos resfriadores de água no resfriamento por spray térmico

Os resfriadores de água servem como meio de controle da temperatura ambiente dos componentes submetidos à pulverização térmica. Ao regular os parâmetros de resfriamento, esses sistemas garantem que os revestimentos atinjam as propriedades desejadas sem comprometer a integridade do material. Os sistemas de resfriamento de água absorvem efetivamente o excesso de calor gerado durante o processo de pulverização, permitindo uma rápida redução da temperatura e promovendo transformações de fase favoráveis ​​nos materiais depositados.
A implantação de refrigeradores de água apresenta diversas vantagens distintas. A principal delas é a capacidade de manter temperaturas operacionais ideais, o que é crítico para alcançar a microestrutura desejada. As rápidas taxas de resfriamento alcançadas com água gelada podem facilitar a rápida solidificação, ajudando a criar microestruturas densas e de granulação fina que são frequentemente associadas a propriedades mecânicas aprimoradas.
Além disso, o controlo que os refrigeradores de água proporcionam em termos de consistência operacional não pode ser exagerado. Manter uma temperatura de resfriamento uniforme ajuda a mitigar os riscos de distorção térmica ou rachaduras, que podem surgir devido a gradientes de temperatura desiguais. Isto é particularmente importante em indústrias que exigem alta precisão e confiabilidade em seus componentes. Além disso, a integração de refrigeradores de água em sistemas de pulverização térmica pode permitir uma operação contínua, reduzindo o tempo de inatividade e aumentando a produtividade.

Desenvolvimentos Inovadores em Tecnologia de Refrigeração

À medida que as necessidades industriais evoluem, também evoluem as tecnologias associadas ao resfriamento em aplicações de pulverização térmica. Os modernos sistemas de resfriamento são frequentemente equipados com sistemas de controle avançados, permitindo o monitoramento e o ajuste de temperaturas em tempo real com base no feedback do processo de pulverização térmica. Esses avanços tecnológicos permitem que os operadores respondam rapidamente aos desvios das condições ideais, garantindo sempre revestimentos de alta qualidade.
Além disso, a eficiência energética tornou-se uma consideração crucial nos sistemas de refrigeração contemporâneos. Com o aumento dos custos da energia e um foco crescente na sustentabilidade, os designs inovadores que utilizam refrigerantes ecológicos e modos de funcionamento energeticamente eficientes estão a tornar-se mais difundidos. Estes avanços não só beneficiam os fabricantes através da redução de custos, mas também contribuem positivamente para a gestão ambiental.

Perspectivas Futuras e Conclusão

Olhando para o futuro, o futuro dos resfriadores de água no resfriamento por aspersão térmica parece preparado para avanços significativos. Tecnologias emergentes, como a integração de IoT – onde os chillers podem se comunicar com equipamentos de pulverização térmica em tempo real – podem abrir caminho para novas aplicações que melhorem ainda mais a qualidade do revestimento e a eficiência operacional. Da mesma forma, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de resfriamento híbridos que combinam o resfriamento tradicional a água com outros métodos, como resfriamento a ar ou materiais de mudança de fase, apresenta possibilidades interessantes para alcançar o gerenciamento térmico ideal em aplicações de pulverização térmica.


water chillers are an essential component in the realm of thermal spray cooling, significantly influencing the quality and durability of coatings applied in manufacturing. As industries evolve and embrace the need for more efficient and reliable processes, the integration of advanced chilling technologies will indeed play a critical role in achieving higher performance standards. The ongoing research and innovation surrounding cooling solutions promise a bright future for thermal spray technology, ensuring its prominence as an indispensable tool in modern manufacturing practices.

Water Chillers for Thermal Spray Cooling: An Essential Component in Advanced Coating Technologies Read More »

Resfriadores de água para resfriamento por spray térmico


As tecnologias de pulverização térmica estabeleceram um papel vital na fabricação avançada e na engenharia de superfície, aplicando materiais fundidos ou semifundidos a substratos para melhorar as propriedades da superfície. Essas técnicas são essenciais em vários setores, incluindo aeroespacial e automotivo. A eficácia da pulverização térmica depende de vários parâmetros, sendo a regulação da temperatura o mais crítico. Os resfriadores de água são cruciais para o processo de resfriamento por aspersão térmica, aumentando a eficiência operacional. Este ensaio examina a importância dos resfriadores de água no resfriamento por aspersão térmica, incluindo seus princípios, tipos, benefícios e implicações para a eficiência operacional.

Compreendendo o resfriamento por spray térmico

A pulverização térmica envolve a deposição de materiais sobre um substrato para formar revestimentos que podem aumentar a resistência ao desgaste, à corrosão e ao isolamento térmico, entre outras propriedades. O processo de pulverização térmica normalmente gera calor significativo, o que pode afetar adversamente o desempenho da peça e do equipamento utilizado. Portanto, sistemas de resfriamento eficazes são essenciais para mitigar o acúmulo de calor, evitar distorções térmicas e manter a integridade dos substratos que estão sendo processados. Os resfriadores de água facilitam esse resfriamento circulando água gelada através de tubos enrolados ou camisas que circundam o aparelho de pulverização, absorvendo o excesso de calor gerado durante o processo de pulverização térmica.

Princípios Operacionais de Resfriadores de Água

Os resfriadores de água operam com base nos princípios básicos de troca de calor e termodinâmica. A principal função de um resfriador de água é remover o calor de um fluido usando um ciclo de refrigeração. Os dois tipos predominantes de resfriadores de água utilizados em ambientes industriais são resfriadores resfriados a ar e resfriadores resfriados a água.

  • Chillers resfriados a ar:

These units employ ambient air to cool refrigerant coils. As the refrigerant vaporizes after absorbing heat from the circulating water, it is compressed by a compressor, moving through a condenser where it releases heat to the atmosphere. The chilled water is then circulated into the thermal spray equipment, ensuring the components are maintained at optimal temperatures.

  • Chillers resfriados a água:

These systems use a cooling tower to dissipate heat. The refrigerant process remains similar, but instead of relying on air, water is circulated through a cooling tower where it absorbs heat from the condenser. Water-cooled chillers tend to be more efficient in applications that require high cooling loads and can handle larger volumes of chilled water, making them particularly suitable for extensive thermal spraying operations.

Benefícios da utilização de resfriadores de água no resfriamento por spray térmico

A incorporação de resfriadores de água em processos de aspersão térmica traz inúmeros benefícios, reforçando sua necessidade nas práticas modernas de fabricação.

  1. Qualidade de revestimento aprimorada: By regulating the temperature of the substrate and the spray materials, water chillers promote the formation of high-quality coatings. When the substrate is too hot, it can cause issues such as poor adhesion and increased porosity in the coating. Chilled water ensures that the substrate temperature is kept within optimal limits, improving the overall quality and performance of the coating.
  2. Increased Equipment Longevity: The effective cooling provided by water chillers can considerably extend the life of thermal spray equipment. Elevated temperatures can accelerate wear and tear on components, leading to increased maintenance costs and downtime. By managing the operational temperature, water chillers contribute to better equipment reliability and longevity.
  3. Operational Efficiency: O uso de resfriadores de água aumenta a produtividade, permitindo a pulverização contínua sem a necessidade de longas pausas para resfriamento. Isto é particularmente vital em operações de alta demanda, onde a eficiência do tempo contribui diretamente para a produção geral.
  4. Segurança aprimorada: O calor excessivo pode representar riscos de segurança para operadores e equipamentos. Os resfriadores de água ajudam a minimizar esses riscos, garantindo um ambiente de trabalho mais seguro. Ao manter as temperaturas operacionais sob controle, a incidência de mau funcionamento do equipamento relacionado ao superaquecimento é significativamente reduzida.
  5. Considerações Ambientais: Com o aumento da pressão sobre as indústrias para adotarem práticas sustentáveis, a utilização de refrigeradores de água pode promover a redução do consumo de energia e reduzir as emissões. Tecnologias avançadas de chillers podem alcançar altas eficiências, contribuindo para reduzir as pegadas de carbono e cumprir regulamentações ecologicamente corretas.

Desafios e Considerações

Embora as vantagens dos resfriadores de água no resfriamento por aspersão térmica sejam substanciais, também há desafios a serem considerados. O investimento inicial e os custos de manutenção dos refrigeradores de água podem ser significativos, especialmente para pequenas e médias empresas. Além disso, a operação dos chillers pode exigir um fornecimento consistente de energia, o que pode ser um ponto de discórdia em regiões onde o acesso à energia é limitado ou instável.

Além disso, a complexidade da instalação e integração nos sistemas existentes exige planeamento e conhecimentos significativos. Devem ser estabelecidas práticas de manutenção adequadas para garantir a longevidade dos chillers, incluindo inspeções regulares, limpeza e gestão de fluidos. A falha na manutenção adequada destes sistemas pode anular muitos dos benefícios que eles proporcionam.


Concluindo, os resfriadores de água atuam como um componente indispensável no processo de resfriamento por aspersão térmica, melhorando a qualidade dos revestimentos, prolongando a longevidade dos equipamentos e melhorando a eficiência operacional. Embora desafios como custo e manutenção devam ser enfrentados com cuidado, os benefícios proporcionados pelos resfriadores de água na manutenção do controle térmico ressaltam seu papel crítico nas práticas avançadas de fabricação. À medida que as indústrias continuam a evoluir, a necessidade de uma regulação eficiente da temperatura continuará a ser indispensável, garantindo que os refrigeradores de água desempenharão um papel proeminente no futuro cenário da tecnologia de pulverização térmica.

Resfriadores de água para resfriamento por spray térmico Read More »

The Guidance For Choosing the Right Aquarium Chiller 2024

Introduction:what is aquarium chiller?

Aquariums are not just a beautiful addition to our living spaces; they are miniature ecosystems that require careful maintenance to ensure the health and well-being of the aquatic life within. One of the crucial elements in maintaining a stable and suitable aquatic environment is the proper temperature control. This is where aquarium chillers come into play. An aquarium chiller is a device designed to lower the water temperature in the tank when it rises above the desired level, mimicking the natural conditions that many aquatic species need to thrive. Whether you have a saltwater reef tank with delicate corals and fish or a freshwater aquarium with temperature-sensitive species, choosing the right chiller is essential to prevent stress, disease, and even death among your aquatic inhabitants.

Factors to Consider When Choosing

  • Tank Size and Capacity

The size of your aquarium is a primary factor in determining the appropriate chiller capacity. A larger tank will require a more powerful chiller to effectively cool the larger volume of water. As a general rule, you should calculate the volume of your tank in gallons or liters. For example, a small 20gallon tank will have different cooling requirements compared to a 100gallon tank. A chiller that is too small for the tank will struggle to maintain the desired temperature, leading to fluctuations that can be harmful to the fish and plants. On the other hand, a chiller that is too large will not only be a waste of money but may also cause excessive cooling, which can also have negative impacts. It’s important to find a chiller that is rated for the appropriate tank size to ensure efficient and accurate temperature control.

  • Water Temperature Requirements

Different aquatic species have specific temperature preferences. Some fish and corals thrive in cooler waters, while others prefer a slightly warmer environment. For instance, tropical fish usually do well in temperatures between 75°F and 82°F, while certain marine invertebrates like some species of corals may require a more precise temperature range around 78°F. It’s crucial to research the temperature needs of the specific organisms in your aquarium. If you have a diverse community of aquatic life, you may need to find a compromise temperature that suits most of them. The chiller you choose should be able to maintain the desired temperature range accurately. Some advanced chillers even come with programmable temperature settings, allowing you to customize the temperature according to the needs of your aquarium inhabitants.

  • Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an important consideration when choosing an aquarium chiller. A more energy-efficient chiller will not only save you money on your electricity bills in the long run but is also more environmentally friendly. Look for chillers that have high energy efficiency ratings. These often use advanced technologies and components to minimize power consumption while still providing effective cooling. Some features to look for include efficient compressors, good insulation, and intelligent temperature control systems that adjust the cooling output based on the actual temperature needs. Investing in an energy-efficient chiller may initially cost a bit more, but the savings over time can be significant, especially for larger aquariums that require continuous cooling.

  • Noise Level

The noise level of the chiller can have a significant impact on both the aquatic life and the surrounding environment. A noisy chiller can cause stress to the fish, which may affect their behavior and health. In a home setting, a loud chiller can also be a nuisance to the occupants. When choosing a chiller, look for models that are designed to operate quietly. Some manufacturers use sound-dampening materials and advanced motor technologies to reduce noise. It’s a good idea to read reviews and ask for recommendations from other aquarium owners about the noise levels of different chillers. A quiet chiller will provide a more peaceful and relaxing environment for your aquarium and your home.

  • Brand and Reliability

Choosing a reputable brand with reliable products is essential when it comes to aquarium chillers. A well-known brand is more likely to have a track record of producing high-quality, durable, and reliable equipment. Look for brands that have been in the market for a while and have positive customer reviews. Reliable chillers are less likely to break down or malfunction, which can be disastrous for your aquarium. They also often come with better warranties and customer support. Brands that invest in research and development are more likely to offer advanced features and better performance. Do your homework and research different brands to ensure you are investing in a chiller that will provide long-term reliable service for your aquarium.

Guidelines for Selecting an Aquarium Chiller

  • Research and Reviews

Before making a purchase, it is crucial to do thorough research. Look online for product reviews, comparisons, and expert opinions. Aquarium forums and websites dedicated to aquatic hobbies are great sources of information. Read about the experiences of other aquarium owners who have used different chillers. This can give you insights into the performance, reliability, and any potential issues of various models. Pay attention to details such as how well the chiller maintained the temperature, its energy consumption, noise level, and ease of installation and maintenance. By gathering as much information as possible, you can make a more informed decision and increase the chances of choosing a chiller that meets your specific needs.

  • Consult Experts

If you are new to aquarium keeping or unsure about which chiller is right for your setup, it can be beneficial to consult with aquarium experts or experienced hobbyists. They can provide valuable advice based on their knowledge and experience. Aquarium store employees who are knowledgeable about the products they sell can also offer guidance. They may be able to recommend specific models based on your tank size, the species in your aquarium, and your budget. Additionally, joining local aquarium clubs or online communities can give you access to a network of experienced individuals who can share their insights and experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek advice from those who have more experience in maintaining a healthy aquatic environment.

  • Consider Budget

While it’s important to choose a high-quality chiller, you also need to consider your budget. Aquarium chillers come in a wide range of prices, depending on their features, capacity, and brand. Set a budget that you are comfortable with, but also be aware that cheaper models may not always offer the best performance and reliability. It’s a good idea to balance cost with quality. Look for a chiller that offers good value for money within your budget. Consider the long-term costs as well, including energy consumption and potential maintenance expenses. Sometimes, investing a bit more upfront in a better-quality chiller can save you money in the long run by providing more efficient cooling and fewer breakdowns.

  • Installation and Maintenance

Think about the ease or complexity of installing and maintaining the chiller. Some chillers are designed for easy installation and come with clear instructions and all the necessary fittings. Others may require more technical knowledge and installation skills. Consider your own capabilities and whether you will need to hire a professional for installation. In terms of maintenance, look for chillers that are easy to clean and have accessible components for servicing. Regular maintenance is essential to keep the chiller running efficiently and prolong its lifespan. Check if the manufacturer provides maintenance guidelines and whether replacement parts are readily available. A chiller that is easy to install and maintain will save you time and effort in the long run and ensure that it continues to perform well.

Specific Steps for Choosing the Right Aquarium Chiller

  1. Determine Your Aquarium’s Requirements

Measure the tank size: Accurately measure the length, width, and height of your aquarium to calculate its volume in gallons or liters. This will be the starting point for finding a chiller with the appropriate capacity.

Research the speciestemperature needs: Identify the types of fish, plants, and other organisms in your aquarium and research their ideal temperature ranges. Find a common temperature range that can accommodate most of the inhabitants if you have a diverse community.

  1. Set a Budget

Decide how much you are willing to spend on the chiller. Consider not only the initial purchase price but also the long-term costs such as energy consumption and potential maintenance. Remember that a higher-quality chiller may cost more upfront but could save you money in the long run.

  1. Research and Shortlist

Online research: Look for aquarium chiller reviews on reliable websites, forums, and social media groups dedicated to aquariums. Read about the performance, reliability, and user experiences with different models.

Ask for recommendations: Talk to aquarium store employees, experts, and other hobbyists. They can provide insights based on their own experiences and knowledge.

Create a shortlist: Based on your research and recommendations, shortlist a few chiller models that seem to meet your requirements in terms of capacity, temperature control, energy efficiency, and noise level.

  1. Check Energy Efficiency Ratings

Look for energy star ratings or other indicators of energy efficiency. Compare the power consumption of the shortlisted chillers to find the most energy-efficient option that fits your budget.

  1. Evaluate Noise Levels

Read reviews and ask about the noise levels of the shortlisted chillers. If possible, try to find videos or demonstrations that show how quiet or noisy a particular model is. Opt for a chiller that operates quietly to avoid stressing your aquatic life and disturbing your living environment.

  1. Consider Brand and Reliability

Research the brands of the shortlisted chillers. Look for brands with a good reputation for producing reliable and durable aquarium equipment. Check customer reviews for feedback on the brand’s after-sales service and warranty policies.

  1. Examine Installation and Maintenance Requirements

Read the product manuals or online descriptions to understand the installation process. Consider whether you have the necessary skills and tools for installation or if you may need to hire a professional.

Look for chillers that are easy to maintain, with accessible filters, coils, and other components that may need cleaning or servicing. Check if the manufacturer provides clear maintenance guidelines and if replacement parts are readily available.

  1. Make the Final Decision

Compare all the factors for each shortlisted chiller. Consider which one offers the best balance of performance, reliability, energy efficiency, noise level, and ease of installation and maintenance within your budget. Make the final decision based on your comprehensive evaluation and purchase the chosen aquarium chiller.

Installation Considerations for Aquarium Chiller

  • Localização

  1. Space Requirements: Ensure that you have enough space around the aquarium to install the chiller. It should be placed in a location where it has proper ventilation and is not cramped. A chiller needs to dissipate heat, so it should not be placed in an enclosed area with limited air flow.
  2. Proximity to the Tank: The chiller should be located as close as possible to the aquarium to minimize the length of the tubing required for water circulation. Longer tubing can lead to increased pressure drops and potentially affect the chiller’s efficiency. However, make sure there is enough clearance around the chiller for maintenance and access.
  3. Avoid Direct Sunlight and Heat Sources: Do not install the chiller in a place where it will be exposed to direct sunlight or near heat sources such as radiators, heaters, or appliances that generate a lot of heat. This can cause the chiller to work harder than necessary to cool the water and may even lead to overheating of the chiller itself.
  • Plumbing and Tubing

  1. Correct Tubing Size: Use the tubing size recommended by the chiller manufacturer. Incorrect tubing diameter can affect the water flow rate and pressure, which in turn can impact the chiller’s performance. Make sure the tubing is of good quality and free from any defects or kinks.
  2. Secure Connections: All tubing connections should be made securely to prevent leaks. Use appropriate fittings and clamps to ensure a tight seal. Leaks can not only cause water wastage but also create a mess and potentially damage your flooring or surrounding furniture. Check for leaks after installation by running the chiller for a short while and observing the connections.
  3. Water Flow Direction: Follow the correct water flow direction as indicated in the chiller’s installation manual. Incorrect flow direction can lead to inefficient cooling or even damage the chiller’s internal components. Some chillers may have specific requirements for the inlet and outlet of water, so make sure to connect them correctly.
  • Electrical

  1. Voltage and Amperage Requirements: Check the electrical requirements of the chiller and make sure that the power supply in your area can meet those requirements. Using the wrong voltage or insufficient amperage can cause the chiller to malfunction or not operate properly. It may also damage the electrical components of the chiller and pose a safety hazard.
  2. Grounding: Ensure that the chiller is properly grounded to prevent electrical shocks. Most electrical appliances come with a grounding wire or a grounding plug. Make sure to connect it to a properly grounded electrical outlet. If in doubt, consult an electrician to check the grounding of your electrical system.
  3. Power Cord Length and Placement: The power cord should be long enough to reach the electrical outlet without being stretched or strained. Avoid running the power cord across high-traffic areas or in a way that it can be easily damaged. If possible, use a cord cover or conduit to protect the power cord and make it look more organized.
  • Initial Startup and Testing

  1. Read the Manual: Before starting the chiller for the first time, carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the initial startup procedure. This may include steps such as filling the chiller with water (if required), priming the pump, and setting the initial temperature settings.
  2. Monitor Temperature: After starting the chiller, closely monitor the water temperature in the aquarium. Check if the chiller is able to reach and maintain the desired temperature within a reasonable time. If the temperature does not seem to be changing as expected or if there are any unusual fluctuations, turn off the chiller and check for any installation errors or problems.
  3. Check for Noise and Vibrations: Listen for any abnormal noise or vibrations coming from the chiller during operation. Excessive noise or vibrations may indicate a problem with the installation, such as improper leveling or a loose component. If you notice any issues, turn off the chiller and investigate further to ensure proper operation and longevity of the device.


Choosing the right aquarium chiller is a crucial decision that can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of your aquatic pets. By considering factors such as tank size and capacity, water temperature requirements, energy efficiency, noise level, brand and reliability, and following the specific steps for selection and installation, you can make an informed choice. A well-chosen and properly installed chiller will help maintain a stable and suitable aquatic environment, allowing your fish, plants, and other organisms to thrive. Remember that investing time and effort in choosing and installing the right chiller is an investment in the long-term success of your aquarium and the enjoyment you get from observing and caring for your aquatic friends. So, take your time, do your homework, and make the best choices for your unique aquarium setup.

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The Guidance For Choosing the Right Aquarium Chiller 2024 Read More »

The 4 Main Components of Water Chillers 2021

No trabalho de produção de diversas indústrias, os resfriadores comumente usados ​​são resfriadores resfriados a ar ou resfriadores a água. Esses dois tipos de chillers são os mais comuns no mercado.

Air-cooled and water-cooled industrial-grade chillers are critical for industrial processes, such as plastics, pharmaceuticals, commercial printing, and transportation manufacturing. Our clients also rely on them for brewing processes, dairy farm operations, and medical equipment processing.

Both air-cooled and water-cooled chillers work by removing the heat from your processes so that your equipment stays cool, so they can keep running strong. In this post, we’re providing an insider look at the main components of a process chiller and the importance of each one.

If you’ve ever wondered what’s inside a chiller, here are the four main components of both air-cooled and water-cooled process chillers to know about the 4main components of chillers and basic working principles of a water chiller.

1.The First Important Part is Compressor of chiller.

The main engine of chiller cold compressor is screw and centrifugal compressor, and the commercial engine is scroll compressor.

In the refrigeration industry, common compressors can be divided into the following categories.

1)Rotary Compressor

Rotor compressor is a positive-displacement rotary gas compressor. The compression volume is defined by the trochoidally rotating rotor mounted on an eccentric drive shaft with a typical 80 to 85% adiabatic efficiency.

2)Piston Compressor

Piston Compressor is a positive-displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at high pressure.

3)Screw Compressor

Screw compressor is a type of gas compressor, such as an air compressor, that uses a rotary-type positive-displacement mechanism. These compressors are common in industrial applications and replace more traditional piston compressors where larger volumes of compressed gas are needed, e.g. for large refrigeration cycles such as chillers, or for compressed air systems to operate air-driven tools such as jackhammers and impact wrenches.

4)Magnetic Suspension Centrifugal Compressor

Magnetic suspension centrifugal compressor is discharged from the air conditioner compressor through high temperature and high pressure freon, enters the condenser, releases heat to the copper tube cooling water, condenses into medium temperature and high pressure Freon liquid, and then depressurizes to low temperature and low pressure liquid through the shut-off valve, enters the evaporator, absorbs heat from the frozen water flowing through the copper tube in the evaporator shell, gasifies into low temperature and low pressure gas, and then inhales into the compressor, which is used in the compressor Through this cycle, the purpose of cooling is achieved.

2.The Second Important part is the Evaporator.

Evaporator of industrial chiller

Ordinary, there are 3 kinds of Evaporator we would use: Dry Evaporator / Full liquid Evaporator / Fall Film Evaporator

1)Dry evaporator

The working principle is the refrigerant flows in the tube and the water flows outside the tube cluster. Generally, the problem of oil accumulation does not exist when the lubricating oil from the shell enters the compressor with the refrigerant.

The dry evaporator is mainly composed of heat transfer tube, stripper, water discharge tube, refrigerant inlet tube, refrigerant outlet tube, refrigerant water inlet tube, refrigerant water outlet tube, left and right end caps and shell.

the Characteristic of dry Evaporator:

1.The heat transfer coefficient is high and the temperature difference is small;

2.The amount of refrigerant filled is less, generally only about 1 / 3 of that of full liquid type;

3.When the temperature is near 0 ℃, the water will not freeze, the heat transfer coefficient is 4.low and the temperature difference at the end is large;

5.Scale is easy to pay on the surface of evaporator copper tube, and is not easy to clean;

2)Full liquid evaporator

The refrigerant flows outside the pipe and the water flows inside the pipe. It is composed of shell, evaporation tube (high efficiency tube), tube sheet, support plate, etc.

the Characteristic of Full Liquid Evaporator:

1.The heat transfer coefficient is high and the temperature difference is small;

2.The water goes through the pipe and is easy to clean;

3.The refrigerant liquid basically fills the tube bundle, and the charge quantity is large;

4.The return oil of full liquid evaporator is difficult and unstable;

5.When the evaporation temperature of refrigeration system is lower than 0 ℃;

6.The water in the tube is easy to freeze and destroy the evaporation tube;

7.The static liquid column of the liquid in the full liquid evaporator increases the saturated evaporation temperature at the bottom.

3)Falling film evaporator

The refrigerant is evenly separated from the distributor, forms a liquid film on the surface of the heat exchange tube, absorbs the heat in the tube and evaporates, and water flows in the tube, which is composed of distributor, shell, evaporation tube (high efficiency tube), tube sheet, support plate, etc.

the Characteristic of Falling Film Evaporator:

1.High heat transfer coefficient and small end temperature difference (better than full liquid, better than dry type);

2.The lubricating oil accumulates at the bottom of the container and is easy to return due to its high concentration;

3.Avoid the liquid column in the full liquid evaporator to increase the saturated evaporation temperature at the bottom;

4.The main pipe phenomenon of falling film is avoided, the heat transfer is more uniform and the efficiency is higher;

5.The water goes through the pipe and is easy to clean;

6.When the evaporation temperature of refrigeration system is lower than 0 ℃, the water in the tube is easy to freeze and destroy the evaporation tube.

3.The Third Main part is Condenser of chiller

It is a part of refrigeration system, belonging to a kind of heat exchanger, which can convert gas or steam into liquid and transfer the heat in the pipe to the air near the pipe in a very fast way. The condenser is a heat releasing device, which transfers the heat absorbed in the evaporator together with the heat converted by the compressor work to the cooling medium. The working process of condenser is an exothermic process, so the temperature of condenser is higher.

It is composed of built-in separator, shell, evaporation tube (high efficiency tube), tube sheet, support plate, subcooler, etc.

According to the different cooling medium, condensers can be divided into three types: water cooling type, air cooling type and evaporation type.

1)Water cooled condenser

Water cooled condenser takes water as cooling medium and takes away condensation heat by the temperature rise of water. The cooling water is generally recycled, but the cooling tower or cool pool should be set in the system. According to its structure, water-cooled condenser can be divided into shell and tube condenser and tube and tube condenser.

a.Vertical shell and tube condenser

The main features are as follows:

1) Because of the large cooling flow and high flow rate, the heat transfer coefficient is high.

2) Vertical installation covers a small area and can be installed outdoors.

3) The cooling water flows directly and the flow rate is large, so the requirement of water quality is not high. Generally, the common water can be used as cooling water.

4) The scale in the pipe is easy to clean, and it is not necessary to stop the refrigeration system.

5) The temperature rise of the cooling water in the vertical condenser is generally only 2-4 ℃, and the logarithmic average temperature difference is generally about 5-6 ℃, so the water consumption is large. And because the equipment is placed in the air, the pipe is easy to be corroded, and the leakage is easy to be found.

b.Horizontal shell and tube condenser

It has the similar shell structure with the vertical condenser, the main difference lies in the horizontal placement of the shell and the multi-channel flow of water.

Horizontal condenser is widely used in refrigeration system and freon refrigeration system, but its structure is slightly different. According to the horizontal condenser, the cooling tube is smooth seamless tube, while the cooling tube of Freon horizontal condenser is generally low rib copper tube.

This is due to the low exothermic coefficient of Freon. It is worth noting that some freon refrigeration units generally do not have liquid storage tanks. But only use a few rows of tubes at the bottom of the condenser, which is also used as a liquid storage tank.

c.Tubular condenser

The vapor of the refrigerant enters the cavity between the inner and outer tubes from above, condenses on the outer surface of the inner tube, and the liquid flows down at the bottom of the outer tube in turn, and flows into the liquid reservoir from the lower end.

The cooling water enters from the lower part of the condenser and flows out from the upper part of the condenser through the inner tubes of each row in turn. This kind of condenser has the advantages of simple structure, easy manufacture, and good heat transfer effect because of single tube condensation and opposite medium flow direction.

Its disadvantage is that the metal consumption is large, and when the number of longitudinal tubes is large, the lower tube is filled with more liquid, so that the heat transfer area can not be fully utilized.

In addition, the compactness is poor, the cleaning is difficult, and a large number of connecting elbows are needed. Therefore, this kind of condenser has been rarely used in refrigeration device. Casing condenser is still widely used in small Freon air conditioning units.

d. Air cooled condenser

Air cooled condenser takes air as cooling medium and takes away condensation heat by air temperature rise. This kind of condenser is suitable for the situation of extreme lack of water or water supply, and is commonly used in small freon refrigeration units. According to the different ways of air flow, it can be divided into natural convection and forced convection.

e. Evaporative condenser

The heat transfer of evaporative condenser mainly depends on the evaporation of cooling water in the air to absorb the latent heat of gasification. According to the way of air flow, it can be divided into suction type and pressure type.

The evaporative condenser is composed of cooling pipe group, water supply equipment, fan, water baffle and box. The cooling pipe group is a snake coil group made of seamless pipe bending, which is installed in a rectangular box made of thin steel plate. The two sides or top of the box body are provided with ventilators, and the bottom of the box body is also used as a cooling water circulating pool.

Parallel connection of evaporative condenser and shell and tube condenser:

4.The Forth Important part is Throttling Device

Throttling device of chiller

The main function is to throttle and depressurize, control and regulate the refrigerant flow and superheat.

Double orifice plate: slow adjustment response; almost no adjustment ability; small energy adjustment range; low cost.

Electronic expansion valve: simple structure, small resistance, wide energy regulation, rapid response to energy efficiency regulation, high cost.

Pro tip: For low-temperature requirements, ask about electronic expansion valves (EEVs) to give you tight superheat control. They work by using a stepper motor that precisely regulates the valve’s position.

Each of these components of industrial-grade process chillers serves a vital role in cooling your equipment.

Para saber mais sobre como funcionam os chillers e se você estiver interessado em nosso chiller, solicite um orçamento,

por favor enviei seu e-mail para LLi@aptcoating.comou ligue +(86) 134 3313 1656 .

The 4 Main Components of Water Chillers 2021 Read More »

plastic injection molding-plastic bottle

Why need a water chiller for injection molding?

Why need to use injection molding chiller to cool the Injection molding machine?

The main applications of molding temperature control machine and water chiller are warm the mold and cold the mold.

Warm the mold-Mold Temperature Controller

Before injection, the mold should be heated to a certain temperature. Then the plastic is not easy to solidify when it is integrated into the mold cavity in the injection molding process.

The problems like insufficient physical strength, delamination, incomplete injection and blocked flow channel are all related to the weakness of warm mold, which is the significance of warm mold.

Cold the mold-Injection Molding Chiller

During injection molding, the mold needs to be cooled after the whole cavity is filled with plastic. The plastic in molten state is rapidly cooled and solidified.

This is the normal definition of plastic molding chilling. But few people know the effect of cooling rate on the physical strength and internal stress of the final product.

In principle, for different injection parts, the injection mold can be cooled via a water chiller in the fastest way. The injection molding machine produced under this way will reach the best state in terms of physical strength and internal stress.

If the cooling time is too long, the physical strength of the injection molded parts will be weakened and the internal stress will be increased. It will lead to deformation of products. The most common problems are injection molded parts with thin thickness and large size such as automobile dashboard, which will cause great trouble to automobile manufacturers.

Set the same amount of raw materials for each injection molding machine. But when the product design requirements are different, the mold temperature control requirements are also different. Some special products have great requirements on internal stress and physical strength. Different mold sections require different temperature curves, which requires multiple mold temperature controller and injection molding chiller.

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1HP air-cooled chiller

Por que o equipamento a laser precisa de um resfriador? Porque precisa esfriar!

Why does Laser Equipment need a chiller?
Because it needs to cool down!

What would happen:Temperature will increase when the laser equipment working

In the process of laser equipment running for a long time, the laser generator will generate high temperature continuously. If the temperature is too high, it will affect the normal operation of the laser generator, which is easy to be damaged.

How to fixed this high-temperature problem?

In order to prolong the service life of the laser, it is necessary to cool the laser exciter by water circulation to ensure its normal operation under constant temperature or set temperature.

The water cooler is mainly used to cool the laser generator of the laser equipment, and control the temperature of the laser generator, so that the laser generator can work normally for a long time. Water chiller is a kind of water cooling equipment, which can provide constant temperature, constant current and constant pressure. The principle of the water chiller is to inject a certain amount of water into the internal water tank of the machine, cool the water through the refrigeration system of the water chiller, and then the water pump inside the machine will inject the low-temperature frozen water into the equipment to be cooled. The frozen water will take away the heat inside the machine, and return the high-temperature hot water to the water tank again for cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling the equipment Use.

Por que o equipamento a laser precisa de um resfriador? Porque precisa esfriar! Read More »

Problemas de operação e contramedidas de equipamentos de refrigeração no inverno

Problemas de operação e contramedidas de equipamentos de refrigeração no inverno

Em Inverno, quando a temperatura externa é úmida e baixa, e a pressão de condensação tem grande influência no desempenho do sistema de refrigeração.

Quando a pressão de condensação (ou temperatura de condensação) é alta, a taxa de compressão aumenta.

E a eficiência volumétrica do compressor diminui, resultando na redução da capacidade de refrigeração e no aumento do consumo de energia. Quanto maior a temperatura de exaustão e maior a pressão de condensação, maior será o efeito adverso.

O fenômeno da alta pressão de condensação ocorre principalmente no verão. Neste momento, a pressão de condensação deve ser reduzida tanto quanto possível para garantir a economia e a confiabilidade da operação do sistema.

No entanto, no inverno, a pressão de condensação do equipamento de refrigeração pode ser demasiado baixa.

Quando a pressão de condensação é muito baixa, a diferença de pressão entre a parte frontal e traseira da válvula de expansão é muito pequena e a capacidade da válvula de expansão é reduzida, resultando na capacidade insuficiente de fornecimento de líquido do refrigerante do sistema, na falta de líquido no evaporador, e a capacidade de refrigeração do sistema é bastante reduzida, e a unidade fica protegida sob baixa pressão. Portanto, é necessário controlar a pressão de condensação em uma faixa razoável, caso contrário o dispositivo de refrigeração apresentará alarmes frequentes de baixa pressão ou alarme de baixa pressão de sucção.

Para evitar o risco de operação no inverno do sistema de água de resfriamento, podemos começar :o equipamento da torre de resfriamento, a estratégia de operação da torre de resfriamento e a configuração do pipeline final.

Para evitar o risco de operação no inverno, através do anticongelante lateral do equipamento, inicialização e desligamento da torre de resfriamento e projeto de otimização do gasoduto.

1. Existem DUAS partes de anticongelante no local de operação perene ou parcial:

Sistema de água pulverizada e sistema de circulação interna de água (água descalcificada).

Para o problema anticongelante do sistema de água pulverizada, um aquecedor elétrico geralmente é adicionado ao reservatório de água, que geralmente é iniciado quando a água pulverizada está abaixo de 5 ℃ e para quando a água pulverizada está acima de 8 ℃.

The temperature probe transmits the signal to the control cabinet to automatically control the start and stop of the electric heater. The power selection of electric heater depends on circulating water volume and external air temperature.

2.Ethylene glycol solution or electric heating equipment can be added to prevent freezing of internal circulating water system.

The freezing point temperature of glycol solution should be selected below the local historical minimum temperature.

For the larger cooling system, we can consider digging a pool to put the spray water into it, which can save the power consumption due to electric heating operation.

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Comparison Between Electronic Expansion Valve and Thermal Expansion Valve

Comparison Between Electronic Expansion Valve and Thermal Expansion Valve

Now more and more civil and commercial refrigeration equipment use electronic expansion valve to replace the original thermal expansion valve. The electronic expansion valve and the thermal expansion valve have the same basic use, but different in performance.

1. Adjustment range

At present, the regulating range of thermal expansion valve is generally narrow. The heat pump unit should not only refrigeration, but also heating, and the ambient temperature range of the suitable occasions is from15 ℃ to + 43 ℃, and the corresponding refrigerant evaporation temperature will work in the range of25 ℃5 ℃. In addition, if there are multiple compressors in the refrigeration circuit, the number of compressors in operation will change accordingly with the change of user load, resulting in dramatic change of refrigerant flow.

Therefore, a single thermal expansion valve is far from competent for the operation of large heat pump units. At present, many large-scale heat pump products are designed with single loop and single compressor, and the expansion valve system with independent refrigeration mode and heating mode is adopted, which will increase the complexity and manufacturing cost of the system. The electronic expansion valve can be adjusted accurately in the range of 15% ~ 100%.

According to the current use effect, a single electronic expansion valve can meet the regulation of heat pump unit under the above conditions. The adjustable range can be set according to the characteristics of different products, which increases the flexibility.

2. Control of superheat

(1) Superheat control point:

For the thermal expansion valve, generally only the superheat at the evaporator outlet can be controlled. In the semi closed and fully closed compressor system, the control point can be set not only at the evaporator outlet, but also at the compressor suction port, which can control the suction superheat of the compressor to ensure the efficiency of the compressor.

(2) Superheat setting value:

For thermal expansion valve, its superheat setting value is generally set by the manufacturer in the manufacturing process, usually 5 ℃, 6 ℃ or 8 ℃. The superheat degree of the electronic expansion valve can be set manually according to the different characteristics of the product. For example, the superheat of the evaporator outlet is set to 6 ℃, and the superheat of the compressor suction can be set to 15 ℃, which is very flexible.

(3) Stability of superheat control under non-standard operating conditions:

The superheat setting values of thermal expansion valve are all set under standard conditions. However, due to the characteristics of charging working fluid, when the system deviates from the standard working condition, the superheat will deviate from the set value with the change of condensation pressure, which will not only cause the decrease of system efficiency, but also cause the fluctuation of the system. The superheat degree of the electronic expansion valve is set by the controller artificially, and the actual superheat degree of the system is calculated by the parameters of the control point collected by the sensor, so there is no such problem.

(4) Intelligence of system regulation:

The superheat control of thermal expansion valve is based on the state of the current control point, which is determined by the characteristics of working fluid filled. It can not judge the change trend of the system. The control logic of the electronic expansion valve can adopt various intelligent control systems according to the design and manufacturing characteristics of different products. It can not only adjust the current state of the system, but also distinguish the characteristics of the system according to the change rate of superheat degree and other parameters. The corresponding control methods are adopted for different system change trends. Therefore, its response speed and pertinence to system changes are superior to thermal expansion valve.

3. Reaction rate

The thermal expansion valve is driven by taking advantage of the thermal characteristics of the filling working medium, so its opening and closing characteristics are as follows:

(1) The sensitivity of reaction and the speed of opening and closing are slow.

(2) Generally speaking, the opening and closing speed of thermal expansion valve is relatively consistent.

(3) In the process of unit start-up, there is static superheat. The superheat (SH) of thermal expansion valve is composed of static superheat (SS) and opening superheat (OS). Due to the existence of static superheat, there will be a tendency to delay the opening of thermal expansion valve during startup.

The driving mode of the electronic expansion valve is that the controller calculates the parameters collected by the sensor, sends the regulation command to the driving board, and the driving board outputs the electric signal to the electronic expansion valve to drive the action of the electronic expansion valve. It takes only a few seconds for the electronic expansion valve to change from fully closed to fully open. It has fast reaction and action speed, and there is no static superheat phenomenon. Moreover, the opening and closing characteristics and speed can be set manually, which is especially suitable for the use of heat pump units with severe fluctuation of working conditions.

4. Diversity of control functions

In order to prevent compressor overload caused by excessive refrigerant pressure and flow at evaporation side during the initial start-up of the unit, the thermal expansion valve is generally equipped with mop function, that is, the expansion valve can only be opened when the evaporation pressure is lower than the set value. However, compared with the electronic expansion valve, its function is still monotonous.

The structure of the electronic expansion valve can be regarded as the organic combination of throttle mechanism and solenoid valve, and it can be adjusted by the controller. Therefore, according to different product characteristics, it shows the diversity and superiority of its control function under the conditions of unit start-up, load change, defrosting, shutdown and fault protection. For example: the electronic expansion valve to regulate the refrigerant flow can not only control the evaporator, but also can be used to adjust the condenser.

When the evaporation condition allows, if the condensation pressure is too high, the expansion valve can be properly closed to reduce the refrigerant flow in the system and the condenser load, so as to reduce the condensation pressure and realize the efficient and reliable operation of the unit.

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Operation Sequence of Water Chiller

Operation Sequence of Water Chiller


WHEN the power supply and water supply both meet the requirements,then can we input the power:FIRST, press the power button ON, and check :


Whether the liquid level of the cold water tank meets the requirements and whether the front and rear valves of the cold water pump have been opened;


Turn on the switch of cooling water tower and cooling water pump, and pay attention to the opening of inlet and outlet valves of cooling water. (Note: air cooled type does not need cooling water tower)


When all the above conditions are met, you can use the inching mode to test whether the direction of cooling water pump, cold water pump, cooling tower fan and condensing fan of air cooling unit is correct, and whether the water transmission and air suction and discharge are normal. If not, they must be eliminated first.


Turn on the running switch of the chiller again, and the chilled water pump starts to run. Please note that the inlet and outlet valves of the chilled water must be opened, and the compressor will run automatically after the delay switch. Please check and adjust the required temperature.

3. Startup sequence difference of water-cooled and air-cooled chiller:

① Water cooled chiller unit:

turn on the cooling tower fan and cooling water pump first, and then turn on the chiller

② Air cooled chiller unit:

can be started directly

4. Shutdown sequence:

① Water cooled unit:

turn off the chiller first, then turn off the cooling tower fan and cooling water pump

② Air cooled unit:

It can be shut down directly.

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Industrial Water chiller installation

Requisitos de instalação do resfriador de água industrial

Installation Requirements of Industrial Water Chiller

All the Installation requirements of industrial water chiller you should notice to make sure the chilling unit can run as long as it can.

Industrial chillers can be divided into two categories according to the heat dissipation mode: 1. Water cooling units; 2. Air cooling units.

The water-cooled unit must be connected with the cooling tower and the inlet and outlet pipes of cooling water and chilled water. The cooling tower and cooling pump should be selected according to the refrigeration capacity and compression power, with the inlet pressure ≥ 1.5bar, and the diameter of the inlet and outlet pipe should be consistent with the diameter of the cooling water inlet and outlet pipe.

However, the air-cooled unit only needs to connect the chilled water inlet and outlet pipes and make-up water source. After the power supply is connected, the operation can be carried out. The ventilation should be smooth, and there should be no dust and debris around to avoid being inhaled into the unit.

1.The diameter of the water pipe

The diameter of the water pipe connection port reserved by the unit is standard size. When the remote transmission is adopted, a larger diameter water pipe must be used for connection. In any case, the diameter of the water pipe should not be smaller than the standard diameter of the connection port, otherwise, the pressure alarm will be given and the compressor and water pump will be damaged greatly.

2.Connecting The Water Pipe

When connecting the water pipe, the user should refer to the installation diagram to connect the pipeline, confirm the position of the inlet and outlet pipe, distinguish the cooling water pipe and the chilled water pipe.The wrong connection of the pipe will damage the unit.Only after ensuring the normal connection of the whole system can the system be started up and run.

3.With Connector or Flange

When the water pipe is connected to the unit, it must be connected with a connector or flange, so that it can be easily removed when necessary.

4.Connect a Hose

A section of hose is connected to the outlet and inlet of the water pipe to reduce vibration transmission.

5.Valves and Filter

If permitted, install valves on water pipes to effectively control water flow. It is suggested to install a filter at the water inlet to prevent sediment and debris.

6.Check Leakage Problem

Check the internal and external have leakage problem or not,when the water inlet/outlet valve of evaporator and condenser is fully opened.

7.Wrap With Insulation Material

The water pipe should be wrapped with enough insulation cotton to protect it from frost on the surface and keep the chilling water temperature.

8.Winter Protection Measures

In winter, when the unit stops operation, the water in the water pump and water pipe may freeze, causing damage to the unit and water pipe. In order to prevent icing, when the unit stops, the water pump can be effectively started. If there is still possibility of icing, all water in the water pipe will be discharged. If drainage is difficult, an anti icing mixture such as ethylene glycol or propanol can be used.

9.By-pass Pipe

When installing the unit, please install the bypass pipe in the chilled water pipeline device. When the chilled water outlet valve is turned down, the bypass pipe valve can be adjusted to relieve the pump pressure and prevent the evaporator from freezing.

10.Check Before Running

When the air-cooled chiller is started up and running, please pay attention to whether the water pump and exhaust fan turn normally before starting up and running.

11.High/Low Pressure

When the unit is running, please pay attention to the pressure display content: water cooled high pressure is (1.2 ~ 1.8MPa), low pressure is (0.3 ~ 0.6MPa); air cooled high pressure is (1.2 ~ 1.9mpa), low pressure is (0.3 ~ 0.6MPa). If the value is too high or too low, it means that the fault is a precursor or improper use. Please check it in time or inform the manufacturer to deal with it. Maintenance in advance is better than repair afterwards.

12.Cooling Water and Scale

To ensure that the condenser is not easy to scale and can be used for a long time, please use softened water (or tap water) as cooling water. If a cooling tower is used, the cooling water should be replaced regularly.

13.Regular Cleanning

The condenser and evaporator of the chiller usually need to be cleaned after a period of use (the cleaning cycle depends on the surrounding environment and water quality).

14.Temperature Setting

It is better to control the outlet water temperature of the unit at 7 ~ 12 ℃. When adjusting the temperature controller, please note that low temperature will cause some protection devices of the unit to fail.

15.Electric Control Elements and Protection Devices

All electric control elements and protection devices of the unit have been strictly tested by the manufacturer. Users are not allowed to change or remove them during inspection and maintenance. Forced operation without protection will cause great damage to the unit.

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